It is the task of the IBO Foundation to explain in a clear, honest, understandable and totally transparent way what our mission is, and above all, how we carry it out.
Our dependence on contributions from partners and partners and collaborators and the work of volunteers to promote our projects and activities, implies absolute transparency in our management. For this reason, the IBO Foundation’s accounts are audited annually by Uniaudit Oliver Camps SL.
In addition, Fundación Lealtad, an independent, non-profit institution, has awarded the Dona con confianza Seal to the IBO Foundation. This is a unique distinction in Spain that recognizes compliance with 9 Principles of Transparency and Good Management Practices. It also helps donors to clearly and easily identify those NGOs that offer complete information on their management, activities, and the origin and destination of their funds, among other aspects.
IBO Foundation was registered on April 27, 2005 as Development Cooperation Foundation at the Subdirectorate General for Participation, Foundations and Supervised Entities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.number 08-0356 and also was registered on April 4, 2008 in the Register of non-governmental organizations for development of the Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation).with number 240.
Source of funds 2022
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